The UPPSC Prelims Syllabus for Paper 1 and Paper 2 is given below.
Paper 1:
There will be questions on the above topics with special reference to Uttar Pradesh. The official syllabus will be given in the Given below is the syllabus from the 2018 notification.
The detailed UPPSC syllabus for PCS Prelims Paper 1 is:
Paper 2:
The detailed UPPSC syllabus for Maths, English and Hindi sections of PCS Exam Prelims Paper 2 is:
(1) Arithmetic:-
(i) Number systems: Natural Numbers, Integers, Rational and irrational numbers, Real numbers, Divisors of an Integer, prime integers, L.C.M. and H.C.F. of integers and their interrelationship.
(ii) Average
(iii) Ratio and proportion
(iv) Percentage
(v) Profit and Loss
(vi) Simple and Compound interests
(vii) Work and Time.
(viii) Speed, Time and Distance
(2) Algebra:-
(i) Factors of polynomials, L.C.M. and H.C.F. of polynomials and their interrelationship, Remainder theorem, simultaneous linear equations, quadratic equations.
(ii) Set Theory: Set null set, subsets and proper subsets of set, operations (Union, Intersections, difference, symmetric difference) between sets, Venn diagram.
(3) Geometry:-
(i) Constructions and theorems regarding triangle, rectangle, square, trapezium and circles, their perimeter and area.
(ii) Volume and surface area of sphere, right circular cylinder, right circular Cone and Cube.
(4) Statistics:- Collection of data, Classification of data, frequency, frequency distribution, tabulation, cumulative frequency. Representation of data – Bar diagram, Pie chart, histogram, frequency polygon, cumulative frequency curves (ogives), Measures of Central tendency: Arithmetic mean, Median and Mode.
(1) Comprehension.
(2) Active Voice and Passive Voice.
(3) Parts of Speech.
(4) Transformation of Sentences.
(5) Direct and Indirect Speech.
(6) Punctuation and Spellings.
(7) Words Meanings.
(8) Vocabulary & usage.
(9) Idioms and Phrases.
(10) Fill in the Blanks.
सामान्यहिंदी (हाईस्कूलस्तरतक) केपाठ्यक्रममेंसम्मिलितकिएजानेवालेविषय
(1) हिंदीवर्णमाला, विरामचिन्ह
(2) शब्दरचना, वाक्यरचना, अर्थ,
(3) शब्द-रूप,
(4) संधि, समास,
(5) क्रियाएँ,
(6) अनेकार्थीशब्द,
(7) विलोमशब्द,
(8) पर्यायवाचीशब्द,
(9) मुहावरेएवंलोकोक्तियाँ
(10) तत्समएवंतद्भव, देशज, विदेशी (शब्दभंडार)
(11) वर्तनी
(12) अर्थबोध
(13) हिंदीभाषाकेप्रयोगमेंहोनेवालीअशुद्धियाँ
(14) उ.प्र. कीमुख्यबोलियाँ
Verifying, please be patient.