Insects are crucial for ecological balance
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9th Jan, 2021
- Climate change has pushed environmental and sustainable development regarding biodiversity issues and the ecological importance of insects cannot be ignored.
What could be the harmful impacts of the insect extinction?
- Their extinction can have a cascading effect on the upper levels of the food pyramid.
- The pollination can be impacted at a large extent.
- This can leads to loss of plants species that depend on the insects for pollination.
What are the factors which could lead to their extinction?
- Insects are increasingly susceptible to extinction due to increasing climate crisis
- Rampant and indiscriminate use of chemicals in commercial agricultural practices
- Agriculture practices such as monocropping systems
- Climate change, forest degradation, habitat loss
- Unavailability of hosts and nectar plant species
- Anthropogenic activities, pollutants, climate change and rapid urbanisation
Which insects are going to be impacted most?
- Butterflies, Dragonflies, Grasshoppers, Ants, Wild honey bees, Paper wasps, Rainbow leaf beetles, Fireflies etc.