First ministerial meeting of G-20 anti-corruption working group was held recently
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India & world
- Published
24th Oct, 2020
- Saudi Arabia becomes the first country to host the meeting.
- The Anti-Corruption Working Group of G-20 was established in June 2010 at the Toronto Summit, G20. The main objective of the group is to make suggestions on boosting international efforts to combat corruption.
- The group works with OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), World Bank, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Financial Action Task Force and International Monetary Fund.
- The G-20 countries agreed on the Anti-Corruption plan, 2019-21 in Buenos Aires in 2018.
- India created the Central Vigilance Commission in 1964. The commission oversees the vigilance administration. It assists the executives in matters related to corruption. In 1988, Prevention of Corruption Act was legislated. The act was amended in 2018.
- In 2013, Lokpal and Lokyukta act was legislated. This was operationalized to bring in more transparency, accountability and centricity.
- The other legislative measures of India towards corruption are Right to Information act, Whistleblowers Protection Act, Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 2016.
- India ratified the United Nations Convention against corruption in 2011.
G20 represents 85% of global gross domestic product, 80% of global investment and 75% of global trade.