Central Vista Redevelopment
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4th Nov, 2020

- A Senior Advocate argued about the discrepancies in its process of the Central Vista Redevelopment projectin a Supreme Court hearing.
- The Central government is redeveloping the three-km-long stretch of Central Vista and Parliament that runs from the Rashtrapati Bhavan to India Gate.
- It is flanked by large green spaces and significant structures such as Parliament, the Secretariat buildings and the National Archives.
- A common Central secretariat will be constructed for all ministries that are currently spread over many buildings across Delhi.
- The new Parliament has to be ready by March 2022.
- The revamped Central Vista, complete with public amenities and parking, has to be ready by November 2021 and the new common Central secretariat by March 2024.
- The Parliament House and North and South Blocks will not be demolished, but their usage may change.
- The rest of the buildings that came up post-1947, including Shastri Bhavan and Krishi Bhavan, are likely to be demolished.